Emmergent Constellations Practice Group - Online
This free online practice group offers the opportunity to practice group constellations in the Emergent style, as taught by Sarah Peyton.
There are opportunities to:
Practice learning how to facilitate in a super supportive group.
Be a seeker. (chosen by lottery)
Hang out and be an observer in the field.
Enjoy the embodiment practice of being a representative.
You can arrive as someone who has no idea what Constellations are, or as someone with years of experience.
Contact me if you’d like to know more, or to be put on the email list to receive the zoom link for this practice group.

The Way of Integrity Book Study Series
Does this sound like you?
“Your own life is probably somewhere between utterly blissful and completely wrecked. You have a vague sense of purpose, which you hope to follow some day. Though your job isn’t perfect, it’s good enough. And your relationships are in. Mostly. Yes, there are times when someone - your spouse, your kids, your parents, your boss - makes you want to fake your own death and move to a hotel in the Cayman Islands. But honestly, it’s fine. You don’t feel bad, just vaguely anxious, uncomfortable, and disappointed. And it’s perfectly normal that your mind tends to liner on regrets about plans that didn’t work out and doubts that your dreams will ever come true.”
And does reading the following make you want to roll your eyes so hard you knock yourself over?
“When you experience unity of intention, fascination, and purpose, you live like a bloodhound on a scent, joyfully doing what feels truest in each moment. Your daily work, whether it’s writing code, gardening, or building houses, is o absorbing that at the end of the day you don’t really want to stop. But when you do, you enjoy hangingout with loved ones so much and sleep is so delicious you can’t imagine anything sweeter. And when you wake up the next morning, the day ahead seems so enticing you practically bound out of bed.”
You’re fine…it’s not so bad…you know you have it good, and maybe even feel guilty for wanting to feel more fulfilled in your life and relationships.
And yes, you could live that way till the end of your life, but a part of you is shouting into the wind of the words made by “it’s fine”, calling your name and begging you to do different.
But what? And how? It’s all well and good to talk about living more authentically, and with full integrity, and wholeheartedly. But HOW? And maybe you’re also thinking - in what spare time? With what energy?
Deep breath.
This book, and the accompanying Embodiment and Resonance practices and exercises, will give you the nitty gritty, step by step travel plan.
I’ve been working with this book for 5 years, and have gone through it step by step three different times. I’ve got so many highlighter colours and post-its and tabs and notes that it’s like there are two books now. For those of us who grew up without someone cheerleading us towards our own integrity and choices for our own sovereignty and wholeness, we need the guide.
We’ll use the book, and I’ll weave in embodiment and resonance so that it’s not just “reading a book”, but having the experience of the book be integrated as we go along during the 8 weeks. Your mind will become a more friendly place to live. Your nervous system will have moments of regulating itself into calm. And the changes will be slow and steady. As Martha says, one degree turn by one degree turn, till you are walking your path of integrity and you can see the trail clearly.